JHU at BaBar
The BaBar experiment is a unique detector designed to exploit asymmetric e+e- collisions at the SLAC PEP-II b-factory located near Stanford University. This machine collides 9 GeV electrons with 3.1 GeV positrons to produce U(4S) states which then decay into B-Bbar meson pairs. Since the energies of the beams are asymmetric, the U(4S)s are moving in the laboratory frame. This permits BaBar physicists to perform time-dependent studies of the B-meson daughters. There is information about CP violation encoded in the time-dependent asymmetries that is uniquely accessible by this technique.

The new JHU BaBar group is lead by Professor Andrei Gritsan. There are research opportunities for new postdoctoral fellows and graduate students interested in CP-Violation and b-physics.