Hadron Collider Physics
The LHC will likely produce states like Higgs bosons, gluinos, or excited gravitons. But what can we see in the CMS detector?

Leptons - electrons and muons produce unique signatures (see above). Taus are difficult but can be identified with low efficiency using information from the pixel tracking (see next page).

Photons - produce a unique signature (electrons without tracks)

Long-lived hadrons - like pions, kaons, and protons have a common unique signatures (see above).

Short-lived hadrons - all are B-hadrons and can be identified using information from the pixel tracking (see next page).

Quarks - produce jets of long-lived hadrons

Missing ET - the existence weakly interacting particles like neutrinos can be recognized by an apparent imbalance of transverse momentum
The job of the particle physicist is to search for new states using their measurable signatures often in the presence of more mundane processes that produce similar signatures.